Friday, December 18, 2009

Never knew chicken rice tasted this good.

Today's training wasn't so bad, but bad enough. Only ran 10s faster for the first set of 2.4km run. Died during drills again. Couldn't even shoot properly, damn. Coach changed the second set of 2.4km run to intervals so it wasn't as tiring.

I think I suck. Can't seem to kick properly these days. Need to focus during trainings. Bah.

Was supposed to meet Jane and Tze Ying after training. But I realised that I had left my money on the table at home (only when Denise asked all of us present to pay up) so I only had 15 cents with me. Hahaha yay smart me. I was too tired to go all the way to town anyway. Sorry :(
Think I won't be going to Vera's cg's Xmas party tomorrow either. Sigh, need to rest.

Came home straight after training and literally pounced on the chicken rice that Daddy bought for me even before he got through the front door. That's how hungry I was.
I think I'm starting to eat like a boy. And that's bad, very bad.

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