Friday, December 11, 2009

For once, I've this huge disdain for red.

New phone, check.
Met Kenneth, check.
Chalet, check.

I so did not queue up with so many others for the phone. Hahaha went to Jurong Point and the shop there was relatively empty. Too bad their computer was down. Couldn't change my plan so I'm stuck with my student plan for another 2 years. Oh well. Beats me surfing the net everywhere and killing my phone huh.

Kenneth. I need to stop making him travel all the way to the east and west everytime. Extreme east and west, he had said. Hahaha. Thanks for the laughter. As always.

Chalet was awesome. First night was epic. Watched them play Twister. Damn funny. Especially Ben hahahahahaha. I'm not going to elaborate on Denise and Ben's tug-of-war with an unconscious me on the second night.. And I'm very sorry that I couldn't stop falling asleep on all the days :( Bloody cough med. I even fell asleep on the couch when all I wanted to do was to rest my head on the handrest!
Either way, I'm glad most of us went for the chalet, xo.

My eyes are all red and swollen after my nap, and Dad asked me not to go out tmr. I'm still going to fetch hun from the airport though! (Inserts huge smiley)

So I'm going to sleep again. Heh.

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