Thursday, July 16, 2009

Say hi to the Dork.

Having Maths lecture now, and we just got back our Progress Report Card. Yours truly spammed Ds and Es and it is highly traumatizing, I tell you.

To-do list:
1. Wear spects, tie up my fringe, eat my books.
2. Study.
3. Study.
4. Study.
5. Kill my new Econs tutor.
6. Go to Queensway and get my things.
7. Pay attention for Maths lecture.
8. Ok I should really start to pay attention. Like starting from now.
9. Stop using LY's touch to come online during lectures.
10. Tell LMZ my results.

That's a really long list huh. And I'm so going to dread doing number 10. >:(

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