Thursday, May 14, 2009

I should be studying, so remind me why I'm not.

The sky was somber enough today, and yet Dementia paid me another visit for the second time this month. Today's only the 14th, mind you. The company of inextricable confusion is rather, suffocating.

In other words, I'm too stoned to study.

Friends. It's just amazing how some people find comfort in the number of that that they have..
Met Grandpa on Tuesday for movie. How long has it been that I've been able to feel so at ease with another individual? Long enough.. for me to feel the pain when he left. Then again, it's all my own fault. Sincerity and appreciativeness. I'd never been able to connect with this two words. Regret's what I get at the end most of the time and it's even more amazing just how regret's not enough to wake me up.
.. and ironically, I'm quite bothered that mine number is diminishing. How often had I gotten a "I didn't know how to bring it up to you ma!" Twice, and I think that it's more than enough.

Reality's annoying and realization sucks, even more so when you're the last to know. Embrace it, I'm oversensitive and I live life as though the whole world owes me money.
Time to stop being apathetic, bugger.

More about life.
Watched Star Trek on Tuesday, and the movie's great. Got home at midnight or so, mainly due to the reason that I've this thing for bikes. I decided against cabbing so bus was our only means of transport then. Been five months, I've missed you :) Thanks alot for that day, and sorry that you'd to pay for everything.
Didn't have enough sleep, so Wednesday was crap. Was planning to go straight home after school, so I didn't bring boots. Went for training in the end and I kissed the damn ball twice, got kicked in the shin twice and was stepped on once. Speaking of injuries, I think I should name them out. Don't be surprised please. Yours truly is highly fragile. Let's see.. I've one huge blister on my left thumb, one blue-black on my left shin, two on my right, a polka-dotted blue-black right foot, a water(pus)-filled blister on each sole, an on-off swollen right ankle and a rambutan on my forehead. Fragile but unbreakable mm?
Today was awesome. Got back Forces' test, a whopping 3/10, and I came home straight to sleep the horror away. Ended up oversleeping, and here I am. Doing everything but study.

P.S: Old entries are at

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